A Playthrough of the FreeSpace 2 Modification Dimensional Eclipse created by the Pettanyaa Studios in 2012 on Insane Difficulty by Novachen.
This playthrough was created on version 1.0 of Dimensional Eclipse.
You can download the current version 1.1b, that differs in many ways, here:
Back on the Ishtar we have to care about old problems, the High Judgement is still around and we want to destroy it finally. But before we can do this, we have to destroy its escort. Because the convoy arrived, we get a few new toys, including a rebuild of a ship from FireSpace 2: The Light of Capella and also the Ship AI from this game: Miki! First of all, watch the second Introduction!
You can choose between three different ships which have special abilities. The GTF Re-LS has a good regenerative hull, the HAF Phoenix has different shield modes for different situations and with the HAF Selkie you can use much more energy for its systems.
Use this mission to familirize yourself with the three different ships to find the best ship that match your gameplay the best.
Because your armor is much weaker on Insane, i personally prefer the regenerative hull from the GTF Re-LS, so it even forgives mistakes you do during a mission, as every hull damage will be repaired quite fast.
Destroy the enemy fighters that jumps in first.
Ignore the High Judgement, it will escape anyway.
After the Fighters are down, the Protium should have your highest priority.
Use your wingman to destroy the Protium fast, but use them also if you have trouble with the Hunter and Killer fighters.
After the Protium is down, you will have enough time to take care for the three Magnesium ships.
Use the Auto-Loader if one of your secondary slots are empty or you know, that you do not need one of the three missiles types anymore in this mission.
Played and recorded by:
Jenna "Novachen" Trassa
Questions and Feedback in German and English would be appreciated, but is also possible in French, Spanish and Chinese, because my sister is able to read and understand it. But do not expect an answer in the same language.
If you want direct contact, please e-mail to [email protected].